Switching from Admiral (ODC) to Commander (PMC)

Minimum requirements: Have a serial number of 10000 or higher. Originally purchased with the ODC subscription model.

This document will teach you how to change a unit from Flow-Based Automation to Setpoint Timed. Scout (TLM) units do not have this functionality.

  1. Go to the CONTROL screen in LIFT and look for the PUMP CONTROL MODE and you will choose the CHANGE MODE option.

  2. Click on CHANGE MODE and a window will appear with options to change your PUMP MODE and PUMP OUTPUT (Timed or VSD depending on your pump application.) Choose SETPOINT, then CLOSE at the bottom right.

  3. You will be taken back to the CONTROL screen, and you will see that your PUMP MODE is now SETPOINT while your SUBSCRIPTON is ON DEMAND. Update your PUMP   SETPOINT to your desired rate and you are done.  To go back from PMC to ODC follow   the same process.

You have successfully switched from Admiral (ODC) to Commander (PMC) mode.